Selected articles and events featuring MESP

“Les attentes autour du gaz ont été amplifiées pour des raisons politiques”
MESP cofounder Mona Sukkarieh is interviewed by Le Commerce du Levant.

Lebanon’s first offshore gas drill is a huge disappointment
MESP’s Mona Sukkarieh is quoted in this article published in Al-Jazeera.

Liban. Beyrouth sur un volcan
MESP cofounder Fadi Assaf is quoted in this article published in Revue Conflits.

Why is gas-rich Egypt importing fuel from Israel?
MESP’s Mona Sukkarieh is quoted in this article published in TRT World.

Libano: l’interim ad Hariri e l’impatto delle proteste sull’economia del paese
MESP cofounder Fadi Assaf is quoted in this article by Agenzia Nova.

Voici pourquoi l’économie du Liban a sombré
MESP cofounder Fadi Assaf is quoted in this article published in Challenges.

East Mediterranean: The new natural gas frontier, London, Oct. 7, 2019
MESP cofounder Mona Sukkarieh was invited to speak at the conference organized by the Energy Institute & IENE.

Lukewarm interest to Israel’s offshore tender highlights East Med uncertainty
MESP’s Mona Sukkarieh is quoted in this article published in S&P Global Platts.

Rosneft’s Lebanon deal reveals Russia’s bid for Mideast influence
MESP cofounder Mona Sukkarieh is quoted in this Financial Times article

Retrait des troupes américaines de Syrie: Reculer pour mieux sauter?
An interview with MESP cofounder Fadi Assaf, Le Désordre Mondial, Sputnik

Curb Your Enthusiasm – The Eastern Mediterranean Energy Patch is Hot
MESP cofounder Mona Sukkarieh is quoted in this Foreign Policy article

Le Liban cherche du gaz en eaux troubles
MESP’s Mona Sukkarieh is quoted in this article published in Le Figaro

A flammable peace: Why gas deals won’t end conflict in the Middle East
MESP cofounder Mona Sukkarieh is interviewed in this policy brief by the European Council on Foreign Relations

Syrie: pourquoi Macron compte «parler à Bachar el-Assad» malgré ses «crimes»
MESP cofounder Fadi Assaf is quoted in this article published in L’Opinion

Après l’affaire Hariri, Macron envisage de se rendre rapidement en Iran
MESP is featured in this article published in L’Opinion

Hydrocarbures offshore : Total, ENI et Novatek présentent deux offres
MESP is interviewed in this article published in L’Orient-Le Jour

Le Liban se prépare à explorer ses hydrocarbures offshore
MESP is quoted in this article published in Le Figaro

Lebanon licensing round schedule hinges on tax law
MESP is quoted in this analysis published in Interfax – Natural Gas Daily

The Big Picture: Syria’s Winners and Losers
MESP cofounder Fadi Assaf is quoted in this analysis published in Energy Intelligence

Berri and Cyprus president talk oil and gas cooperation
MESP is quoted in this article published in The Daily Star

The Fragile Dynamics of Establishing a New State of Affairs in the Eastern Mediterranean
Paper written by Mona Sukkarieh for King’s College London’s European Centre for Energy and Resource Security, “Reflections” Working Paper Series, Vol. 3

Lebanon prepares to relaunch licensing round
MESP is quoted in this article published in Interfax – Natural Gas Daily

Lebanon to restart oil, gas licensing round after three-year delay
MESP’s Mona Sukkarieh is quoted in this article published in Reuters

L’Arabie Saoudite torpille le méga-contrat d’armement Donas
MESP is quoted in this article published in Challenges

The Energy Landscape in the Eastern Mediterranean
Presentation delivered by MESP co-founder Mona Sukkarieh at the British Parliament

The impact of Zohr on the development and export of East Med gas Presentation given at Chatham House by MESP co-founder Mona Sukkarieh

For Israel and Its Neighbors, Energy Finds Power Big Dreams
MESP’s Mona Sukkarieh is quoted in this article published in Foreign Policy

Israel economy minister resigns to allow major gas deal: PM
MESP is quoted in this article published by AFP